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Akcijas, atrie krediti, OCTA, Kasko, viesnicas, letas aviobiletes, taksi, interneta veikaliAkcijas, atrie krediti, OCTA, Kasko, viesnicas, letas aviobiletes, taksi, interneta veikali - visi Latvijas interneta veikali un cenas

  WLPSRL101BK Laser Presenter Wireless USB mini dongle  
WLPSRL101BK Laser Presenter Wireless USB mini dongle

  24.99 EUR    (tax included)

Quantity available: 1

Barcode: 5412810302062

Esam atvaļinājumā līdz 2025. g. 6. janvārim.

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• Wireless laser pointer and slideshow controller - with USB 2.0 dongle for connection
• Eight buttons - offer control of your presentation up to 30 meters away
• Powerful red laser - can highlight specific areas up to 100 meters away
• Small and ultra-portable - for ease of carrying with you
• Requires 2x AAA batteries (not included)