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  LXBT300 LTC Gaming Computer Headphones.  
LXBT300 LTC Gaming Computer Headphones.

  19.99 EUR    (tax included)

Quantity available: 1

Barcode: 5902270776904

Esam atvaļinājumā līdz 2025. g. 6. janvārim.

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LTC Gaming Computer Headphones

Headphones by LTC, designed for hobby players and professionals.
The highest quality materials and ergonomic shape guarantee high
comfort of use even after many hours of using the headphones,
the user does not feel the slightest discomfort.

Speaker Diameter    40mm
Frequency    20 - 20,000Hz
Impedance    32 ohms
Tenderness    110dB +/- 3dB
Earmuffs that quieten the environment    Yes
Headband adjustment    Yes
Volume control    Yes
Cable length    2m
Plug    USB
Microphone specification    -
Frequency    16 - 20,000Hz
Impedance    2200 ohms
Plug    Mini Jack 3.5mm