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Akcijas, atrie krediti, OCTA, Kasko, viesnicas, letas aviobiletes, taksi, interneta veikaliAkcijas, atrie krediti, OCTA, Kasko, viesnicas, letas aviobiletes, taksi, interneta veikali - visi Latvijas interneta veikali un cenas

  VCFP112OCN Scented pellets ocean  
VCFP112OCN Scented pellets ocean

  2.95 EUR    (tax included)

Quantity available: 18

Barcode: 5412810286294

Esam atvaļinājumā līdz 2025. g. 6. janvārim.

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These scented pellets neutralise nasty smells from vacuum bags and spread a nice,
ocean scent while you are vacuuming.
Simply spread the pellets on the floor and let the vacuum cleaner clean it up.
Try our other fragances and discover your favourite!
Scent Sea