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Vacuum cleaner bag VAX KM-W01 (3 pcs)
5.99 EUR
(tax included)
Quantity available: 46
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Vacuum cleaner bags for : VAX
Manufacturer: K&M Group
Type of bags - paper bags; pack included: 3 bags
Suitable for:
1000 223 Rapide 5000
101 2300 Rapide 5100
111 2301 Rapide 5110
1200 6130 Rapide 5120
121 6130 S Rapide Plus 5130
1800 6130 SX Rapide Plus 5140
2000 A 0492 Rapide Plus 5150
2001 Classic Rapide Plus 6130
2100 Powa 4000 Rapide Plus 6131
221 Powa 4001 Rapide Plus 6151
222 Powa 4100
1000 6121C 3-in-1 Multifunction Powa 4000
101 6130 Powa 4001
111 6130 S Powa 4100
1200 6130 SX Rapide 5000
121 6131 3-in-1 Multifunction Rapide 5100
1800 6131BLS 3-in-1 Multifunction Rapide 5110
1-9-126090-00 6131T 3-in-1 Multivax Rapide 5120
2000 6131TO 3-in-1 Multivax Scent of Summer Rapide Plus 5130
2001 6135 Car Vax Rapide Plus 5140
21 6140 Pet Vax Rapide Plus 5150
2100 6141 Pet Vax Rapide Plus 6130
221 6151SX Wash 'n' Vac Rapide Plus 6131
222 6155 Family Vax Rapide Plus 6151
223 7131 Wash 'n' Vac V 1050
2300 8131 Pets and Stairs V 1100
2301 9131 Pets V 1200
2500 A 0492
6121 3-in-1 Multifunction Classic