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Akcijas, atrie krediti, OCTA, Kasko, viesnicas, letas aviobiletes, taksi, interneta veikaliAkcijas, atrie krediti, OCTA, Kasko, viesnicas, letas aviobiletes, taksi, interneta veikali - visi Latvijas interneta veikali un cenas

  DUBG120AEG10 Vacuum cleaner bag AEG GR 28 (10 pcs.)  
DUBG120AEG10 Vacuum cleaner bag AEG GR 28 (10 pcs.)

  8.99 EUR    (tax included)

Quantity available: 10

Barcode: 5412810284856

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Vacuum cleaner bag AEG GR 28 DUBG120AEG10 (10 pcs.)

Suitable for:

1500 Compact electronic , 1500 – 1905 Vampyr , 4110 Vampyr , 4111 Vampyr ,
4120 Vampyr , 5000 - 5999 Vampyr , 61DBK01 , 61EK01 , 61EKS01 , 61EKT01 ,
61EKW01 , 6600 , AAM Essenti , ACE Seria CE , AE 2000 - Trio , AE 4500-4599 ,
AE 6000 , AEG Seria Ergo Essence , CE 100 – 999 Vampyr , CE 1400 Energiesparer ,
CE 1700 , CE 1800 Comfort , CE 2000 – 2999 Vampyr , CE 4100 – 4299 Vampyr ,
CE 5.1700 , CE 61ELS01 , CE Azurro , CE Compac , CE Compact 2 , CE Jubilee ,
CE Mega Power , CE Power , CE Power Line , CE Power Star , CE Power Trio ,
CE Smart & Clean , CE Sprint , Comfort , Comfort.0 – 9 Vampyr , Croma ,
Diamant U 405 , Diamant U 412 , Diamant U 414 , Duo , E 150 , E 160 , E 1700 ,
E 1700 Plus , E 180 , E 181 , E 185 , E 190 , E 2000 Turbo , Ergo Essence Serie ,
Europa First , Exquisit 1201-1202 , Exquisit 1400 el , Exquisit 1500 , Exquisit 200 ,
Exquisit 217 , Exquisit 500 , Freshline , Gr. 28 , H 2162 , H 2182 , H 2202 ,
K 2000-4200 , Lemon , MM 1700 , MM 2000 , Mega Power 2 , Mega Power 3 , P60 MFA 126 ,
Parketto , Power Star , Red Zac e , Rosso , SCE 0 , SCE 1 , SCE 2 , SCE 3 , SUN T 2.1. ,
SUN T 2.2. , SUN T 2.3. , SUN T 2.4. , SUN T 2.5. , Salomon AE 6000 , Salomon AE 6070 ,
Silver Star , T 2…Serie Cyclone Trio , Top 530 , VC-H 4506 , Vampyr 1202 , Vampyr 1500-1905 ,
Vampyr 2002 , Vampyr 2162 , Vampyr 2182 , Vampyr 2202 , Vampyr 2300 , Vampyr 3180 ,
Vampyr 3200 , Vampyr 4110 ,
Vampyr 4111 , Vampyr 4120 , Vampyr 5000-5999 , Vampyr 525 , Vampyr CE 100-999 ,
Vampyr CE 1700.0 , Vampyr CE 1700.1 , Vampyr CE 1800 Comfort , Vampyr CE 200-299 ,
Vampyr CE 2000-2999 , Vampyr CE 4100-4299 , Vampyr CE 5.1700 , Vampyr CE 950 Ecotec ,
Vampyr CE Azzurro , Vampyr CE Jubilee , Vampyr CE Mega Power , Vampyr CE Mr.Big ,
Vampyr CE Power I , Vampyr CE Power Trio , Vampyr CE Powerline , Vampyr CE Powerstar ,
Vampyr CE Smart&Clean , Vampyr CE Sprint , Vampyr CE Turbo EL , Vampyr CE Ultra Power ,
Vampyr CE Winner , Vampyr Comfort 0-9 , Vampyr Croma , Vampyr Duo , Vampyr E 150-2000 ,
Vampyr E 1700 Plus , Vampyr E 200 Turbo , Vampyr Europa 1st , Vampyr Exquisit 1201-1202 ,
Vampyr Exquisit 1400 EL , Vampyr Exquisit 1500 , Vampyr Exquisit 200 , Vampyr Exquisit 217 ,
Vampyr Exquisit 500 , Vampyr Freshline , Vampyr H 2000-2202 , Vampyr HH 2202 , Vampyr K 2000-4200 ,
Vampyr Lemon , Vampyr Luxor 1 , Vampyr MM 1700 , Vampyr MM 1800 , Vampyr MM 2000 , Vampyr Megapower 2 ,
Vampyr Megapower 3 , Vampyr Megapower 5 , Vampyr Multi 1800 , Vampyr Parketto , Vampyr Powerstar ,
Vampyr Red Zak EL , Vampyr Rosso , Vampyr Silverstar , Vampyr Sun , Vampyr T 2 Serie Twin ,
Vampyr V 5030 , Vampyr Vario 500


Alfa 500 E , Alfa Power 1800 , Alfa Power 1800 A


Power Plus 1400


XLE 800-900


DD 2804


ZW 1200-39 C


61 EKS01 , Bolero Z 5003 , CEALLFLDB , Cyclone Power Z 5305 , Diamant , E 53N , Ergo Essence ,
P 60 , Power Plus 4411 , Power Plus 4411 S , Power Plus 4412 , Power Plus 4431 , Power Plus 4431 S ,
Power Plus 4432 , Power Plus 4435 , Power Plus 4491 , Power Plus 4491 S , Power Plus 4492 ,
Power Plus 4494 , Power Plus 4495 , Power Plus 4499 , Power Plus Z 4410 , Power Plus Z 4430 ,
Power Plus Z 4490 , Power ZCE 1800 , Power ZCE 2200 , Powermax 4520 T , Powermax 4590 ,
Z 2940-2950 Filio , Z 4410 , Z 4411 , Z 4430 , Z 4490 , Z 4491 , ZCE 1800 , ZCE 2000 ,
ZCE 2200 , ZCE 2400 , ZCE 2410 DB , ZCE 2415 D , ZCE 2445 TRD


3530 Ultra Boss


C 212 , C 212 M , C 214 , C 216


C 214 E , C 214 M , C 216 DE



CH Bunny


084.972 , 101.393 , 102.690 , 102.974 , 104.432 , 104.480 , 106.724 , 107.023 ,
163.221 , 244.974 , 304.782 , 403.870 , 403.970 , 595.096 , 766.570 , 851.391 ,
Mr. Whisper C-212 M , Mr. Whisper C-214 E , Mr. Whisper C-216 DE , Twin Clean


084.972 , 101.393 , 102.690 , 102.974 , 104.432 , 104.480 , 106.724 , 107.023 ,
163.221 , 244.974 , 304.782 , 403.870 , 403.970 , 595.096 , 766.570 , 851.391 ,
Mr. Whisper C-212 M , Mr. Whisper C-214 E , Mr. Whisper C-216 DE , Twin Clean


Aspira Classic 1800


Cyclone 1000 , Junior 1000 , T 2.1


C-214 E , C-216 DE , C-216 DEP , C-217 , Mr. Whisper C-212 M , Mr. Whisper C-214 E ,
Mr. Whisper C-216 DE


Comfort electronic


Comfort electronic


Aventure TO 465-490 , Complys , Diamant 200-400 , Luxor , TO 2 , TO 205-290 , TO 210 N ,
TO 210 V , TO 212 , TO 215-218 , TO 260 , TO 270 , TO 280 , TO 290 , TO 370 , TO 380 ,
TO 390 , TO 470 , TO 480 , TO 482 , TO 484 , TO 486 Luxor , TO 490 Luxor


11444 , CE 950 , CE Compact 2 , CE Power! , Diamant U 404 , Diamant U 405 , Diamant U 412 , Diamant U 414 , Ecotec , Equisit 200 , Exquisit 200 , Gr. V 31 , Parketto , Power , Red Zac el , Tornado Diamant , Tornado Diamant 200 , Tornado Diamant 210 , Tornado Diamant 400 , U 400 , U 404 , U 405 Diamant , U 412 Diamant , U 414 Diamant



4 layer High filtration bags information:
Better filtration, cleaner air
Increased suction power of the appliance
Softness of material, better fitting
Water repellent material
Bags wont clog up like the traditional paper dustbags
Package contents:
• 10x dustbag
• 1x micro filter