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Akcijas, atrie krediti, OCTA, Kasko, viesnicas, letas aviobiletes, taksi, interneta veikaliAkcijas, atrie krediti, OCTA, Kasko, viesnicas, letas aviobiletes, taksi, interneta veikali - visi Latvijas interneta veikali un cenas

  TV stand full motion KONIG TVSM2330BK  
TV stand full motion KONIG TVSM2330BK

  79.99 EUR    (tax included)

Quantity available: 4

Barcode: 5412810269006

Esam atvaļinājumā līdz 2025. g. 6. janvārim.

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• Medium size mount - fits most TV screens from 32” to 65”.
• Suitable for VESA: 200x100, 200x200, 300x200, 300x300, 400x200, 400x300, 400x400, 600x400
• Strong and durable component parts - max TV load capacity of 45 kg.
• Tempered glass base (8 mm thickness) - for solid and reliable support.
• Height adjustable VESA plate - ensure the right TV height in different situations.
• Tilt functionality - 15° tilt range to create the best viewing angle.
• Rotating functionality - rotate the TV from left to right in a range of 90°.
• Sleek and stylish black finish - great look and feel for your home or office.